Are we with Him or against Him? Confronting His adversaries, Jesus drew a line in the sand dividing everyone into two groups — those who stand with Him and those who stand opposed to Him. Pushing anyone who may have thought they were on the fence into one camp or the other, Jesus makes the dividing line even brighter declaring, “…he who does not gather with me scatters” (Luke 11:23). When it comes to evangelism, we are either among those who are gathering, or we are part of the problem — those who are scattering. There is no middle ground.
Grace Ministries International seeks to gather people from all across the world to Christ as our missionaries empower local believers to evangelize, plant churches, and train others as they share God’s love. The following are just a few recent examples of exciting things happening on our fields.
In January, 17 people professed their faith in Jesus Christ at an evangelism event in Senga Bay, Malawi, which was led by GMI missionary Bill Vinton and a team of Malawians. Two of these new believers returned the next day to hear more about God’s Word. Over the Easter weekend, Bill and GMI missionary Givemore Nyakambiri traveled to Zimbabwe where they taught and preached in the cities of Chinoyi and Musalabani.
GMI missionaries Ted and Kim Rabenold, serving in Tanzania, recount a recent conversion of one of their part-time workers, Frenki Fungamali, who has helped out at the Agriculture Outreach Center over the last year: “He has been inquiring about our faith for the past two months. He has been in close contact with our team of men and seen in a short time that they relate to each other differently than others in the village. I, as well as others on our team, have had the opportunity to speak to him about Christ. Two weeks ago both he and his wife trusted in Christ for their salvation and future. It was refreshing to see him contemplating Christ’s claims for a period of time before making their decision.”
Last month, GMI missionaries Carlos and Denise Brunk changed the format of their radio program from a weekly to a daily broadcast in an effort to gather even more unto Christ on the island of Bonaire and beyond. Also in March, GMI missionary Brett Chapman began teaching Bible institute classes in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Please pray for our GMI missionaries serving around the world involved in evangelism, leadership training, preaching, teaching, community development, and many other areas of ministry.