Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission and Central Ministry Focus
The mission of GMI is to send missionaries into various countries of the world to empower ministry leaders with the purpose of:

Preaching the gospel
saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Establishing Indigenous Churches
where believers grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Training & equipping
men and women to do the work
of the ministry in the churches.

Spreading God's love
through acts of mercy such as helping people in medical, educational, and community development projects.
Join our Global Team!
We need team members both to expand the ministries in our current fields and to plant churches and start ministries in new fields. We are looking for people with a strong commitment to sharing God’s grace and who are dedicated to dreaming with, planning with, and releasing ministries to believers around the world so that new works will be indigenous, self-sustaining, and self-propagating.