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Join the 2024 EXITE team as we serve in Paraguay!

July 18-28 (tentative)

This trip will be a great opportunity to take part in the ministry in Paraguay and to develop your own relationship with the Lord. In Paraguay, we will be serving alongside Grace Ministries International team members Cory and Kim Hodgson, Cleiton and Viviane Menor, and Tati Faria. We look forward to serving in their church plant affiliated with GMI and their new outreaches. We will be working mostly in children’s ministry, teaching ministry and evangelism. We will of course be open to any other opportunities we have to serve the GMI team and people in Paraguay.

As you prepare yourself to serve, expect that you will grow in your own faith. We will not only be teaching the Word of God, but we will be living out His Word as well. You will have an opportunity to create wonderful new relationships with your teammates and the people of Paraguay while being challenged as we have our own personal prayer and devotional times.

At the EXITE boot camp held on the campus of Grace Christian University, you will learn about yourself and how to work together as a team with other high school students and college students. You will also prepare for your ministry in Paraguay, including outreach events for youth and children, giving your testimony in a cross-cultural setting, and sharing the gospel in various venues.

Join the EXITE team today!

Dates: July 18-28, 2024 (Tentative)
July 16-17 – Boot Camp at Grace Christian University
July 18-28 – Ministry in Paraguay
These dates are subject to change based on ministry needs and cost of airline tickets.

$700 – EXITE fees (room & board, local transportation, boot camp costs, project donations, sightseeing adventure day)
$1400 – Estimated plane fare (Chicago – Paraguay – Chicago)
$2100 – Approximate total cost
Age: High School (16+ at the time of trip), College Students and Young Adults

No prior construction experience required. You need to be willing to work hard together with a team in rustic conditions. You need to be willing to rough it, and staying in housing and eating food that is not part of your usual lifestyle. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy the Paraguay culture and beautiful scenery. Be ready to share your faith, step out of your comfort zone, and serve others in Christ’s name. Prepare to grow in your faith and see God at work in and through your team.

The best way to communicate for more information about this trip is to get in touch with the GMI office (, 616-241-5666) or Patrick McGillicuddy who is leading the EXITE Teams (cell – 616-916-8140, You can find and complete the EXITE application HERE. Please snail mail your $100 check or call the GMI office with credit card information for the deposit. The application and deposit are due by March 31, 2024. 



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GMI Missionaries in Paraguay

Cleiton and Viviane Menor

Tati Faria

Cory and Kim Hodgson

A Friday Night Bible Study in Paraguay
Iguazu Falls
Saturday Morning Kids’ Club
Sunday Morning Church Service

Our 2015 and 2016 Trips