Aruba, officially known as the Country of Aruba, is a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, situated in the south of the Caribbean Sea. As one of the four countries in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, alongside the Netherlands, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten, Aruba shares Dutch nationality with its citizens. In contrast to much of the Caribbean, Aruba has a dry climate. The relatively warm and sunny weather persists throughout the year.
Of the three “A, B, C Islands” in the Antilles, Aruba is the only one where GMI has not yet sent resident team members to begin a church-planting ministry. With this goal in sight, GMI team members Carlos and Denise Brunk along with members of the Bible Church from Curacao have taken several survey and ministry trips to Aruba over the past few years. These teams have been instrumental in developing contacts and determining locations on the island for a church-planting ministry in the near future.