Jack and Jane serving in Malawi
Jack was born into a family of 13 children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He attended primary and secondary school where he graduated with a Diploma in Agriculture. While at the University, the 1996 war began. He did not feel peace about leaving, so he went to seek advice from his pastor. They remained in prayer until the rebels took the city in ambush. They heard the neighbors screaming in agony as they were being butchered. Eventually, they killed his pastor but the Lord spared Jack’s life. After four days, he buried the body and escaped to Tanzania by boat with seven others.
Three in one boat were killed and four in another were caught by rebels but the Lord spared Jack’s life. They lost direction on the lake and ran out of fuel which left them without food for 3-1/2 days. When his boat finally reached shore, Jack got down on his knees and made a commitment to the Lord to live the rest of his life for Him.
He joined a church and a gospel band which traveled, but his desire was to go to school. While heading to South Africa to begin studies, someone he was to connect with took all his money and then some thieves attacked him. He was in tears. A refugee camp became his home. Later he began teaching French in a school where Kennedy Simtowe visited. From there he went to study at Zambia Grace Bible Institute. After two years of studying in Zambia and working with Kennedy in Malawi his visa to Zambia was denied. He began wondering if the Lord had any plans for him at all. His life continued to be filled with trials.
Since then he has married his wife, Jane, and has graduated with a bachelor’s degree with a triple major—pastoral, education, and missions and a Master’s in Community Psychology (Counseling). Jane also graduated in December 2013 with a Bachelor’s in Education.
They have four children and are now working alongside our team members in Malawi where Jack’s ministries include reaching the Yao people group (99% muslim), counseling, and teaching in the Bible School. Jane works alongside the national leader of the women’s ministry in planning and coordinating national women’s programs. She is coordinating the sewing class program for women in Lilongwe with the help of the national council. She is also reaching out to adolescent girls in the community through teaching home-based skills and conducting Bible studies.
Facts About Jack and Jane
Birthdays |
Anniversary |
Field Address |
Jack– November 11 Jane– June 17 |
October 25 | gmi@gracem.org | c/o GMI Malawi PO Box 2411 Lilongwe 3, MALAWI |