Multipurpose Classroom in Malawi
AllGod is on the move in Lilongwe as there is tremendous growth in several ministries in which Grace Ministries International and the Grace Church in Malawi are involved. While this growth is exciting, the current facilities in Lilongwe (the capital) are either too small or too few to accommodate the people, classes, meetings, and ministries. The GMI team in Malawi has identified the need for a large multipurpose room to facilitate this growth. In May 2021, 45 women graduated from the Grace School of Home Economics. The next group of students entering into this program will start classes in January 2022 and will likely be even larger. Regarding this life-changing ministry, GMI Malawi team members Joseph and Emmanuela Asong share, “So far, we have improvised with less-than-ideal learning environments. Students often take notes and write exams on their laps. An equipped classroom and office space will be a great answer to prayer as we look forward to working with the LORD in transforming the lives of more women in Malawi.” In addition to the Home Economics program, the Bible school in Lilongwe is growing and needs additional classroom space as well. In June 2021, another 18 students graduated from the school! Aside from the Home Economics program and Bible school, there are several other ministries, meetings, and gatherings in Lilongwe associated with the work of the Grace Church in Malawi and GMI which need a larger meeting space, but there is not one place big enough to host many of these events. To construct and equip a 1,200+ square foot classroom/meeting space with offices will cost $37,970.
**PLEASE NOTE: Our projects are updated at the end of every month so check back if your donation is not included in the total here.