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Joseph Asong Teaches at Pastors’ Conference in Zambia

Joseph Asong Teaches at Pastors’ Conference in Zambia

GMI team member Joseph Asong was the guest speaker at a pastors’ conference in Kabwe, Zambia November 14-17.  Joseph along with Pastor Francis Muzaza and Elder Julius Nkamba addressed many theological issues related to the uniqueness of the Body of Christ in the story of the Bible while also sharing some practical ministry tools.  Understanding the difference between the Church and Israel is key for many of these pastors as they teach their congregations what it means to live by grace.  Nearly 30 pastors came from all over Zambia for this conference which served to further unite the Grace Churches in Zambia, the national church organization alongside which GMI serves in Africa.

Banner photo: Joseph (left) teaching

Above: Pastors and church leaders attending the conference

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