This information was first posted on GMI’s blog on February 19 of this year by Erin Kemper, but not everyone has a chance to read the blog, so I am reposting it here because it has such good information to read.
On the post today, we bring you an update from one of Steve Sherman’s ministries about the exciting progress that is being made! Steve Sherman has been a Tanzanian missionary since 1994. Please read and pray!
We received a couple of encouraging emails this last week. Sometimes you wonder if others see as much value as you do in a project that you are investing so much effort into. We know that the Grace Church of Tanzania wants us to develop and publish this literature because they are the ones who asked us to do it in the first place. But it was still exciting to see a couple of individuals step forward last week and offer their time and effort to help edit these books as an unpaid ministry. They told us, “We see so much value in this project that we want to be a part of it as an offering of service to God.” Both of these men were students of ours at TGBI who then went on to get higher educations. We praise God for the way in which he works in people’s hearts. We are also thankful for the reminder that this work is valuable. That said, we have two more books to report as finished. Steve finished the second of these just this morning translating it from Congo Swahili. Both of these books were written by Dr. Bill Vinton while working as a missionary in the Congo. The two books are:
“1 JOHN”
Teaching that Strengthens Your Christian Life
In this book Bill explores seven purposes that John had in writing to Christians with teachings on fellowship, sin, joy, God’s protection, love, forgiveness, and assurance of salvation.
God is Active in Your Life!
This booklet is a study on the book of Ruth which encourages Christians that God remains active in their lives even when it does not seem like it. It also explores the kinsman-redeemer type and its theology as it pertains to Jesus’ need to die for the sins of his fellow humans.