An evangelism team from the Grace Churches in Malawi visited Kamoyo village to conduct an outreach event at which many people committed their lives to Christ Jesus. One of the team leaders, Yamikani, shared that as a result, there was a great number of people who attended a church service the last Sunday of September. Upon finding out about this event, two chiefs from a neighboring village asked the team if they could visit their village next. GMI missionary Givemore Nyakambiri says, “It is exceedingly rare for chiefs to invite a church to their villages. What is common and a norm is that the church would ask for audience with the chief to seek permission to gather their subjects for church activities. We have seen God’s grace in action. It is like Paul’s vision of the Macedonian people summoning him to share the gospel with them. Please pray for Chief Mutsitsa and his friend to also decide to follow Christ. Pray as well that the team will remain healthy for the task ahead.”