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His Grace is Sufficient

His Grace is Sufficient

Last week, in our His Grace is Sufficient quick update, we talked about Sylvia not being able to go to Mbewa Village because of a funeral that happened in the village. Everything comes to a standstill when there is a funeral. All adults are mandated to attend the funeral. No one goes to work and no one travels.

Sylvia conducted a Bible study with the women today and celebrated Malawi’s own Mother’s Day (Thursday, October 15, 2020). She woke up early to bake a few treats to wish her fellow women a happy Mother’s Day. Today’s fellowship was good.

Today was also special to Sylvia because she took Heather along with her. Heather wanted to go and join Yamikani and Serah as they engaged kids in games, songs, and Bible study. She had a lot of fun experiencing a good time with the children of Mbewa Village. She loved being with these children.

On their way back, Sylvia had a service opportunity to bring one of the ladies from her group who is expecting to the hospital in Lilongwe. The lady was meant to visit the hospital in Lilongwe yesterday but had to wait for Sylvia to take her today. She and her mother had no bus fare from Mbewa Village to Lilongwe. Sylvia is happy that God used her to meet a felt need.

J-Nathan proceeded to first grade this term. He was in the reception class for four years. He is so excited that he is leaving the reception class where he was schooling with what he termed “little kids.” Those he started school with are moving to third grade. We are equally excited about his progress. We give all the glory to God. Please pray that he stays healthy enough to continue attending school. His grace is sufficient! Asher is transitioning to high school beginning this coming Monday, the 19th of October.

Givemore is excited that Hospital Palliative Care visits began yesterday. Now that corona restrictions continue to be relaxed, many ministries that were on hold are being unwrapped. The visit to Chief Jojo’s village revived the joy of serving that was put to sleep due to corona restrictions. Lloyd is a 15-year-old boy who is terminally ill from cancer. His parents were told that he has only a few days left to live a couple of months ago. He was the first one to visit because he is beating the odds. Chief Jojo helps the family with food now and again because Lloyd’s  family cannot afford more than one meal a day. Lloyd thinks he could be feeling better if he were to get nutritious food. The chief loves him so much…he carried him to the shade. of a tree where we enjoyed chatting. Other kids and adults from the village came to join our talk. What a wonderful way of discussing Bible truths of God’s love and care. We shared many scriptures reflecting on the unfailing hope we have in God through Jesus Christ. One of the scriptures we shared was from Romans:

“38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Rom 8:38-39.” I pray that you share the same conviction such as was with the Apostle Paul. NIV


Left: Heather with her new friends in Mbewa Village

Right: Sylvia teaching a Bible Study



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