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Successful Trip to the German Colonies of Paraguay

The Gulart Family recently took a ministry trip to the German Colonies about 15 hours from where they live and shared this exciting update: “We had a fantastic time in the German Colonies! Alex preached in a High School to 130 students plus the teachers. We had 3 Bible Studies with around 15...

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Brook – YIELD Malawi

This update comes from Brook Seekins’ recent email. It has lots of good information about her ministries and what her day-to-day life is like in Malawi. One Year One year ago this week, everything seemed to stop. I remember being in the middle of Mission Conferences and finding out that the...

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Exciting Update from Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

This is from Alex Gulart about the church service last Sunday in their new building on the new property! You can just feel the excitement as you read this post: We praise the Lord for the first ever service on the new property! We cannot even start to describe how thankful we are for God’s...

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Another ATV Given Batister is the Executive Director of Grace Community Development & Education (GCDE) which is an organization in Tanzania that sees to the needs of others, one of which is to make sure those who need an ATV...

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Praising God

This comes from a recent email correspondence written by Brook Seekins about her ministries in Malawi: Sunday, the youth group which recently started, met for their third time. We had some young people come from a neighboring village where we have a church plant join us. They walked one hour just...

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Iglesia Biblica Gracia – Paraguay

The purchase of the land in Paraguay is complete. The congregation, along with our missionaries, have met in four different locations since they started meeting as a group several years ago, and they are thrilled to have property with a facility they can renovate and make it exactly what they need...

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Christmas Projects

Our 2020 Christmas Catalog is out and available for your perusal. Just go to and choose Projects and then Christmas Catalog and you’ll be able to see all the projects available on all the GMI fields. On our Facebook page (​ we are also...

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Unreached People Groups

Omar (not his real name) is a motorbike driver on the island of Mbwera where the population is 100% Muslim. These people belong to the Wandengereko people group whose  population in Tanzania is about 85,000 of whom only 0.7% are followers of Christ. Mbwela is located along the Indian ocean, 200...

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