Grace Ministries International is targeting ARUBA as a new field. GMI team members Carlos and Denise Brunk know the island well having lived and served on the neighboring islands of Curacao and Bonaire for many years. They have also taken survey trips to Aruba to lay the groundwork for a future ministry there. During this current visit, they have been able to visit those who came to know Christ during their last trip and to encourage others they had previously met. Also, during this visit to the island, they will hold outreach events August 6 and 7 at a community center in a town they have targeted. Pray that God will go before them and prepare the way.
The community center where the Brunks are planning their outreach event.
Featured photo at the top: Pastor Michael Look and his wife, Sandra, with their son, Joseph in the middle. They recently arrived in Aruba from Curacao to help Carlos and Denise who are at the bottom.