Grace Ministries International is offering a scholarship to current or prospective full-time students of Grace Christian University who want to serve as missionaries, agree with GMI’s doctrinal statement, demonstrate a positive Christian testimony, and maintain a minimum GPA requirement. Students or Grace Christian University enrollees who meet these and other requirements may inquire about the scholarship by contacting the GMI Home Office via phone or email. GMI office phone: 616-241-5666 or email:
Grace Ministries International is an evangelical, Bible-believing mission committed to sharing God’s grace with the world by bringing people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and incorporating them into strong, self-sustaining churches. To promote and facilitate both recruitment and development of future missionaries, GMI has established the Future Missionary Scholarship.
Up to two new scholarships per year awarded to qualified and selected students. Scholarship amount will be $2000/year ($1000/semester or each 15 credit hours). Scholarship is renewable yearly up to four years for each student as funds allow.
● Express interest in career missions
● Full-time student at Grace Christian University
● Able to articulate a statement of personal salvation
● Demonstrates previous ministry experience
● Maintains a positive Christian testimony.
● Agreement with the doctrinal statement of Grace Ministries International
● Minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA in high school. Minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA in college.
Awards will be determined by the GMI scholarship committee after reviewing applications and supporting documentation. Students meeting criteria will be considered. New student applications are due January 31 and scholarships will be awarded at the February board meeting. Returning student applications are due May 31 and scholarships will be awarded at the June board meeting.
Application processes are established for both initial application and renewal application. Awards are renewable yearly with submission of renewal application and supporting documentation.
Students awarded the GMI/Grace Christian Future Missionary Scholarship shall adhere to the following expectations:
● Engage in coaching/mentoring relationship with member of GMI staff, board, or designated supporter
~The coaching/mentoring relationship is intended to be central to the development of the student. Through this relationship, the student will establish goals and steps towards reaching those goals in his/her development, skills, passion, and knowledge of cross-cultural ministry.
● Participate in Grace Christian University’s student missions committee.
● Serve as a student leader on EXITE and/or other short-term missions experiences.