At the beginning of March, GMI team members Gabriel Wilson and Jack along with GMI Board Chairman, Jim Moore, attended the graduation of 13 cross-cultural workers (CCWs) from a six-month training course designed to prepare them to reach unreached people groups in Africa. These 13 students from three different countries (Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia) learned about cross-cultural adaptation, theology, reaching Muslims with the gospel, small business development and management, and leadership skills. Some of the people groups this class of students is targeting are those on the Islands of Pemba and Unguja, the Yao of Malawi and the Wandengereko of Tanzania. Pray for them as they put into practice the skills they have learned through the program Gabriel, Jack and others have designed. This program is part of GMI’s commitment to reach 20 unreached people groups with the gospel by sending 60 CCWs by the year 2033.