Committed to sharing God’s grace with the world!
The mission of GMI is to send missionaries into various countries of the world to empower ministry leaders with the purpose of:
Preaching the gospel
saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Establishing indigenous churches
where believers grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Training and equipping
men and women to do the work of
the ministry in the churches.
Spreading God's love
through acts of mercy such as helping people in medical, educational, and community development projects.
In a few words...
Read our latest news
Every Nation Update
The GMI Every Nation project is guided and led by two of our team members serving in Africa. Their goal is to send 60 African cross-cultural workers into 20 unreached people groups by 2033. This process includes recruiting and training African believers to create a...
Vacation Bible School in Costa Rica
For much of the world, December and January is summer break for students. Comunidad Bíblica de la Gracia (Grace Bible Community) in Costa Rica took advantage of the break from school by inviting kids from the community for vacation Bible school. Fifty children...
Opportunities for Growth
Christmas celebrations are opportunities for growth for GMI-affiliated churches and church plants around the world as people come together to recognize God the Son coming to earth to provide the only means for salvation. The GMI team in Paraguay shared this...