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We are an evangelical, Bible-believing, missionary-sending organization committed to sharing God’s grace with the world!


Grow & Extend

We want to grow and extend our reach so the gospel is preached, churches are planted, leaders are equipped, and communities are transformed in even more areas worldwide.

Committed to sharing God’s grace with the world!

The mission of GMI is to send missionaries into various countries of the world to empower ministry leaders with the purpose of:

Preaching the gospel

of God’s grace so that the hearers are led into a
saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Establishing indigenous churches

where believers grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Training and equipping

men and women to do the work of
the ministry in the churches.

Spreading God's love

through acts of mercy such as helping people in medical, educational, and community development projects.

Vision 2033 Grace Ministry International - Ten year ministry plan

In a few words...

Vision 2033 is the blueprint for realizing our vision of what GMI will look like by 2033. We are not content with preserving what we have; we want to grow and extend our reach so the gospel is preached, churches are planted, leaders are equipped, and communities are transformed in even more areas worldwide.

Read our latest news

Kids Games in Costa Rica

Kids Games in Costa Rica

Comunidad Bíblica de la Gracia (Grace Bible Community), a church affiliated with GMI in Costa Rica, hosted its 18th year of Kids Games which is an evangelistic outreach designed to share Jesus Christ with the community.  Filled to capacity, the church located in the...

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Breaking Ground

Breaking Ground

GMI team members Jack and Jane are providing for a community need among the Yao people in southern Malawi – primary and secondary education.  The Yao are seeking an opportunity for their children to receive a quality education which Jack and Jane are endeavoring to...

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Malawi Pastors’ Conference

Malawi Pastors’ Conference

In Malawi, GMI team members Bill Vinton, Brian Abranovich and Givemore Nyakambiri along with two Malawian pastors spent three days teaching and fellowshipping with fifty-five pastors and churches leaders in southern Malawi at the beginning of June. The majority of...

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